Sunday, June 27, 2010

Black Bean Burgers

My brother's friend arrived from England today -- and is staying at my dad's for the next month or so; in part to recognize her arrival and in part to celebrate my brother's birthday, we grilled at my dad's house for dinner. I made black bean burgers, which my dad threw on the grill along with some corn on the cob.

The black bean burgers were tasty and super easy to make, but a little on the squishy side for grilling; next time, I will probably modify the recipe a bit to make them sturdier and a little more grill-friendly. They stood up fine to the grill as is, even if they got a bit misshapen in the process.

I had mine with red chile, soy pepper jack, lettuce, and tomato on an onion roll. I made a double batch, so there are still a whole bunch of burgers in my dad's freezer waiting for our next barbecue!

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